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أرسل رسالة خاصة الى العضو wali2006
هل انت متأكد من حظر هذا العضو؟ wali2006
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معلومات عني


  • اسمى wali2006
  • الأساسية


  • أوصاف شخصية
  • الحالة الاجتماعية







    مع أطفال

  • أخرى
    وصف عني

    Hi there, and thanks a lot for your time, I am not really religious i am not restrict it as long as everything is the right way I do my religion as the best as My KNOWLEDGE. My health is OK but i had a total knee replacements operation long time a go but i am normal looking man. White as a Middle Eastern man, my mother and Father are both dead but they did their best to raise me well. i live in the USA for almost my whole life and still, I am well educated in business and marketing and i love computers and i love and enjoy anything has to do with computing and information technology and i am looking forward for higher diploma, in fact i been in businesses for over 9 years as public services and construction and Transportation which i just sold it and that gives me enough experiences but i am looking for more, I just need a real women in my life so I can do my part in this life in a normal healthy way. Because you know what I really do love computing and I am sure I would love to be in that career and i am sure i can do lot and create a lot of things in more professional way, and you know computers career can be established anywhere and you know with time it will grow even more, and I have everything to start and even more. So all I wish to find is a sweet kind heart who can support my life with love and understanding and peace of mind, passion, and I Promise to treat her Same Way. Well i smoke. I don

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في ظل التطور قررنا فتح هذا الموقع لمساعدة اخوانا واخواتنا في البحث عن الزواج بطريقة تقنية جديده تحت ضوابط شرعية حتى يتسنى للجميع إيجاد مايبحث عنه ونسأل الله ان يوفق الجميع لما يحب ويرضى إنه ولي ذلك والقادر عليه

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  • 0550066795
  • Misyare.com@gmail.com